Missing Classmates

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Christine Altseimer
Carol Anderson
Tim Ashby
David Babb
Mark Baca
Peter Baker
Jimmy Banister
Eva Barber
Susan Barnes
Paul Benjamin
Liz Bennett
Lisa Berry
Jeff Bingham
Alan Blackstock
Sheila Bramlett
Tom Brancato
Connie Brazier
Jim Brenton
Jeff Brode
Bernie Brousseau
Bruce Bunker
Lourdes Burbano
Joni Burge
Mike Bush
Laura Byers (Beach)
David Cantrell
Steve Carson
Bobby Chavez
Gregory Chavez
Jamie Clow
Leslie Coon
Pam Coulter (Prelo)
Julie Davis
Michele deGruyter (Higgen)
Susie Dominguez
Jay Downer
Mike Drake
James Dunkin
Martha Dunnigan
Robin Dunnigan
Ted Dunning
David Dunwoody
Melissa Elizan
Kathy Elsberry
Kathy Felthauser
Kay Florin
Mark Foster
Doug Fox
Brad Gallimore
Dian Gibson
Marietta Gilbert (Walker)
John Glasgow
Mark Goodfellow
Cathy Gothard
Doug Grady
James Greenwood
Rob Gribble
Jean Grote
Debbie Hamberg
Tina Handerg
Susan Harp (Peterson)
Edward Harrall
Karen Held
Bruce Hill
Terry Hillman
Jim Hwang
Robert Jeffries
John Samuel "Sam" Johnson
Stanford Johnson
Teresa Johnson (Blackwell)
Paul Jurney
Robin Justice
Terry Keller
Liz Kemp
Judy Kmetko
Laura Knowles
Bill Kovacik
Sandy Krieger (Bryant)
Linda Laymen (Peterson)
Julie Lenhart
Heather Lewis
Richard Lewis
Robin Loar
Doris Lopez
Linda Madrid
Russell Mahoney
Christie Martinez
Conchita Martinez
Keren Mayne
Verna McCloud (Escudero)
Jeff McPherson
Deborah Meyer (Patraker)
George Meyer
Karen Meyers
Sheila Mikkelson
Danny Miller
Marci Milligan (Dennehy)
Allen Moody
Esmerelda Oglivie
Donna O'Hare (Aldrich)
Marietta Olivas
Susan Olsen
Hugh Orr
Linda Orton
Fay Osvath (Oostra)
Ree Oswald
Teresa Pacheco
Mark Phelps
Debbie Pimbley
Sandra Pisel
Mary Popolato
Theresa Pyle
Lynn Relyea
Scotty Richardson
Claudia Romero
Delaine Romero
Steve Romero
Mike Russell
Sharon Salazar (Hickey)
David Salgado
John Samuel
Jo Scher
Aleta Schoolcraft (Buteau)
Linda Schoolcraft
John Shunk
Sallye Lou Sibbitt
David Smith
Jamey Smith
Rainer Stammler
Bruce Stewart
Mary Stivers
Marty Stone
Connie Strait
Robert Sullenburger
Mary Anita Sweeney
Joe Szklarz
Lucy Tapia
Louann Thompson
Catarina Thormark
Laura Thurston
Marti Torrey
Dan Tyres
Karl Uitti
Joseph Uphoff
Paul Vinton
Von Wagoner
Wade Webb
Bonnie Wheat
Greg White
Tim Wilson
Janice Winton
Colquitt D Yancy
Bobbie Zerwekh (Voss)

Guest Members

Cindy Capellii